Every Generation Faithful Together is the VISION to enhance and expand our campus, extending our mission for the church, school, and community. St. Paul Lutheran Church and School brings us together in Christ’s love. Together, we can impact future generations.
Through every chapter of our long journey together, St. Paul members have been faithful stewards by equipping every generation to live rooted in Jesus. We are committed to building on that past as we look ahead to an exciting future.

The vision for this project is to enhance and expand our campus to extend our mission for the church, school, and community. Toward that vision, Every Generation Faithful Together is working to secure gifts and pledges to address two critical needs:
To create an expanded learning environment to meet increasing demand for excellent Christ-centered education.
To provide dedicated space for vibrant church ministries and fellowship.
We invite you to browse through this information. As the campaign progresses, updates will be posted to this site. You are encouraged to check back for additional information.
What we enjoy today was faithfully provided by previous generations. We, in turn, graciously add our gifts to theirs, providing for the future of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21

Almighty God, together as the faithful community of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, we give thanks to You for calling us to worship, study, and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the gifts of faith and fellowship; especially for those who through Your guidance prepared the way for us – for their vision, commitment, worship, devotion, and service to our Church and School.
Holy Spirit, guide us to boldly meet this ministry opportunity with courage, love, and steadfastness to enhance Your Kingdom now and for future generations.
We ask this in the Name of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN.
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By downloading the brochure, you will:
- Learn more about our initiatives, the communities we serve, and the impact of your contribution.
- Find ways you can make this vision come to life.
Review the brochure today and take the first step towards making a tangible difference for the future.
Stewardship Sermon Series
Project Updates & FAQ’s
February 2025 Project Update
The ministry expansion project continues to make great progress. For the last month, the committees reported the following:
Building Committee:
- Exterior wall sheathing has been completed.
- Air and water barrier being applied.
- Roofing has been completed on the main roof.
- Interior framing has been completed and will be inspected by the Village.
- Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC and Sprinkler rough-ins in progress.
Next 30 days:
- Mechanical rough-ins will be completed and inspected.
- Insulation will be installed.
- Drywall will begin.
- Interior stairs will be installed.
- Exterior masonry will begin.
Finance Committee:
- Cumulatively to date, St. Paul has paid nearly $2.4 towards the construction of the new building.
- At the end of January, St. Paul had more than $1.7 million of funds on hand to satisfy upcoming construction costs for the next couple of months.
- More than $1.6 million in promissory notes have been issued to date.
- Regarding any financing needed through Lutheran Church Extension Fund (“LCEF”), at the end of January, LCEF reported that all loan closing conditions have been addressed and satisfied. LCEF is preparing the final loan documents to be executed in February.
- Please reach out to Jason Hasenstein (jason.hasenstein@splgrafton.org) with any questions or if you would like a more in-depth review of the building expansion related finances.
December 2024 Project Update
Our ministry expansion project continues to make great progress. In the last month, the committees reported the following:
Building Committee:
- All new utility connections have been completed in Washington St.
- Landscape restoration has been completed east of the gym and out to Washington St.
- Steel structure erection has been completed.
During the next 30 days:
- Second floor slab will be poured with provisions for the weather.
- Exterior wall framing will progress throughout the month.
- Window framing and blocking will also progress with wall framing.
Finance Committee:
- Cumulatively to date, St. Paul has paid nearly $1.3 million toward the construction of the new building to its architect and general contractor.
- Over $1.3 million in promissory notes have been issued by St. Paul to date. For those that remain interested, we are continuing to issue promissory notes. Please reach out to the Finance Office to learn more.
- Lutheran Church Extension Fund is finalizing their review of St. Paul’s loan application in December.
- At the end of November, St. Paul had over $1.9 million of funds on hand to satisfy construction costs for the next several months. Current projections suggest we may need to begin borrowing from an external lender beginning in February 2025.
- Please reach out to Jason Hasenstein (jason.hasenstein@splgrafton.org) with any questions or if you would like a more in depth review of the new building related finances.
September 2024 Project Update
Our ministry expansion program continues to move forward. In the month of August, the Building Committee reported the following progress:
Construction officially started with topsoil stripping, East vestibule entrance was replaced with a temporary Barrier, Foundations are nearing completion.
Planned Activity:
Mezzanine roof south of the gym will be replaced to accommodate drainage away from the new construction. Masonry firewall and elevator shaft will be built, Site utilities and connections will begin.
Finance Committee Updates Include:
We are financing the project through three channels:
1) direct gifts and pledges,
2) promissory notes/loans with individuals and
3) external debt
We are extremely grateful for the donations, commitments and loans that are coming in. Throughout the project, we will continue to accept donations and pledges. We are currently seeking additional promissory notes/loans to support this project. If you are interested, please reach out to Jason Hasenstein 920-226-0743 jason.hasenstein@splgrafton.org or Jean Steinke 262-377-4659 jean.steinke@splgrafton.org.
August 2024 Project Update
Our ministry expansion program continues to move forward. In the month of July, the Building Committee reported the following progress:
- Sanitary sewer easement with Providence Place recorded.
- Final construction contract with Catalyst signed.
- Contractor mobilization (construction fencing, job trailer) in place.
- Village of Grafton permit issued.
- Construction activities will begin shortly.
Finance Committee
- Sanitary sewer easement with Providence Place recorded.
- Final construction contract with Catalyst signed.
- Contractor mobilization (construction fencing, job trailer) in place.
- Village of Grafton permit issued.
- Construction activities will begin shortly.
July 2024 Project Update
Our ministry expansion program continues to move forward. In the month of June, the Building Committee reported the following progress:
- Completed final construction drawings and specifications
- Submitted plans and specifications to the State of Wisconsin for review
- Received State of Wisconsin approval on footing & foundation drawings
- Finalized utility easement with Providence Place for underground sanitary sewer extension
- Included complete facility update of the fire alarm system based on Village fire department feedback
- Received sign-off from the Village of Grafton on Plan Commission and Village Board approval conditions
- Continued contractor bidding and confirming required budget
In addition, the Finance Committee has remained focused on finalizing the external loan request. They have also been working with those interested in promissory notes. If you are still interested in a promissory note, please reach out to Jason Hasenstein (920) 226-0743 jason.hasenstein@splgrafton.org or Jean Steinke (262) 377-4659 jean.steinke@splgrafton.org.
June 2024 Project Update
The Ministry Expansion Project continues to move forward with a lot of activity taking place last month. The Building Committee update includes:
- Received final Village Board approval of architectural and site plans.
- Continued advancing design with completion of the Design Development Plans.
- Reviewed contractor updated budget.
- Footing and Foundation Construction Documents have been submitted to the state for review and are out for bid.
- Began working on utility easement with Providence Place Board of Directors.
May 2024 Project Update
The ministry expansion project continues moving forward. The following was accomplished in April:
- Received Village of Grafton Architectural Review Committee and Planning Commission Committee approval. Next steps are to receive final approval at the Village board meeting in May.
- The terms of the promissory notes were set. Informational meetings will be held on May 21, June 4, and June 19 at 6pm.
- Work continued with the architect on architectural, civil and landscape design development.
- Continued processing gift receipts and pledges.
- Date of June 9th at noon was set for the groundbreaking ceremony.
The need for your continued financial support and commitments is essential as we move forward. Please review the Giving section of this page to obtain more information on giving opportunities. As we move forward together, pray the Holy Spirit guides us to boldly meet this opportunity with courage, love, and steadfastness, enhancing God’s Kingdom now and for future generations.
March 2024 Project Update
Following approval from the voters meeting in February, work is now underway on the ministry expansion project.
The Building Committee members Dave Scherzer (co-chair), Wayne Wiertzema (co-chair), Pastor Anderson, Jim Lindsay, David Schmidt, John Swiertz, Dauna Werner, and Michael Yurk have been busy getting the project underway.
Meetings have been had with various Village staff members to secure input on the site related issues, utilities, and fire & life safety. They are also advancing the conceptual design with the architect and school leadership. In addition, conceptual drawings have been submitted to the Village Architectural Board and the Village Plan Commission. Finally, they are reviewing contracts for both Groth Design Group and Catalyst Construction.
The Church Council has approved the Finance Sub-Committee members as Jason Hasenstein (chair), Sam Myhre, Leslie Scherzer, David Schulz, Ingrid Schulz, Jonathan Schulz, and John Swiertz. The sub-committee is working on the terms of the promissory notes and will review external financing options available in the marketplace.
What is the overall mission of St. Paul? How does this ministry expansion fit?
The mission of St. Paul is to equip every generation to live rooted in Jesus. The means to accomplish this are through God’s word, staff, lay people, and physical resources. Moving forward with sufficient and well-organized facilities will enable us to continue to serve our members, school families and community.
What are the specific key goals of this project?
The goals of this project are to create an expanded learning environment to meet increasing demand and to create dedicated space for church ministries and fellowship.
What is the School perspective on class size?
St. Paul is committed to keeping class size reasonable for both student and staff benefit. The strong sense of intimacy is important to maintain along with keeping high standards for learning. As we grow/maintain enrollment, we need to hold true to our vision of being Focused on Excellence…Centered on Christ.
How will the church ministry benefit from this project?
The ability to dedicate space back to church ministries will allow Bible studies, group meetings, and fellowship to thrive. St. Paul enrollment has grown significantly given the high demand for christian education. In order to accommodate additional students and classes, many spaces on our campus are doubling as classrooms (eg. the youth room, library, undercroft). Further, the conceptual plans would consolidate all pre-K classes to the new building, freeing up the current pre-K rooms off the Family Life Center for other ministry purposes.
* What is the timeline?
When did we start to evaluate options for the campus?
In 2019, the St. Paul Church Council approved the creation of a Building Committee and gave permission to start looking at our need for additional space due to an increase in student enrollment, as well as increasing ministry opportunities in the church. The Committee includes the principal (Michael Yurk), assistant principal (Dauna Werner), chairperson of the Board of Parish Properties (James Lindsay), Director of Finance (Jason Hasenstein) and three congregational members (Dave Scherzer, Wayne Wiertzema, David Schmidt – all present or former Board/Council members). This Committee began meeting in late 2019. Throughout the past four years, this Committee has met with Groth Design Group and Catalyst Construction to create conceptual drawings and to estimate price points for an expansion project that would meet the needs of the congregation and school, while also examining what improvements would be required for the south wing if no build took place.
When is the campaign to raise funds for this project?
In April of 2023, the Voters Assembly approved moving ahead with a capital campaign to fund the ministry expansion project. The campaign theme is Every Generation Faithful Together. This vision statement grows from our mission of “Equipping Every Generation to Live Rooted in Jesus.” It calls us to be faithful stewards of our campus, enabling St. Paul to continue serving future generations. The campaign inspiration Bible verse is “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
When did we do the last capital campaign?
In 2011, St. Paul did a capital campaign to refurbish the gymasium and renovate the sanctuary (Extending the Kingdom).
Why did we hire a consultant?
In April 2023, the Voters Assembly approved hiring a consultant to provide the expertise and guidance of an experienced fund-raising consultant to assist St. Paul in conducting a successful capital campaign. We have used consultants in our previous campaigns as well.
When will construction begin? How long will this take?
The construction timetable will depend in part upon the generosity of donors and how quickly the funds are raised. The architectural and construction timeframe is estimated at 18-24 months. Construction work would ideally commence following the conclusion of the school year in June 2024 to minimize the impact on school operations.
Did we consider renovation and repair of the South wing vs. a new building?
Yes, the building committee explored a building renovation option. If no expansion takes place, the south wing has necessary improvements including updated heating and air conditioning, roof replacement, new windows in classrooms, and refurbishing of bathrooms to make them ADA compliant. The cost estimate for these renovations was $2.1M.
How much will a new building cost?
Building plans and costs have not been finalized. We have conceptual drawings with price estimates of what an expansion project might cost. Final plans would be created after the congregation determines the level of financial commitment that can be raised through a capital campaign and the extent of longterm financing that may be necessary. Our working estimated project cost is $9M including design, construction, furnishings, technology and security.
* How are we financing the project?
The primary source of funding for this project will come from within the St. Paul community. Our hope is to raise the necessary funds in gifts and pledges, but we may need to ask the Voters Assembly to approve a level of debt financing.
Who is the architect, construction contractor, etc?
To this point, St. Paul has not contracted or compensated an architect or construction contractor for this potential expansion. The Building Committee worked with Groth Design Group architects and Catalyst Construction to develop conceptual designs and estimated project costs that were shared in informational meetings and at the Voters Assembly prior to voting to proceed with this capital campaign.
Ongoing Operations
* What is the capacity of the revised plan?
With the new facility we will be able to accommodate 2 classes for every grade level. Current enrollment is 391, can grow to 450.
* Will all classrooms be occupied with the new addition?
* How will this impact any possible future expansions?
Location of expansion facility on the site offers the future opportunity to add additional building, if needed. Steel framing and sprinkler system facilitate a more straightforward add in the future.
* Wisconsin School Choice is being challenged. If that is successful, what will be the impact for St. Paul?
We cannot predict if or when that could change, however through our associations, it seems likely that choice will continue in Wisconsin. The Courts have been favorable on Choice. Milwaukee was the original and longest standing Choice program in the country. For St. Paul, we currently have 61 students through the Choice program. It contributes $500-600K annually to our budget.
* How many new teachers will be required?
We already have staff for 2 classroom grades with the exception of 2 middle school grades, so only 2 more teachers would be needed as enrollment grows.
* How will we attract and keep teachers in current shortage environment?
We are fortunate to have CUW nearby. It allows us to have students teachers/assess potential candidates and to attract those that may want to stay in this area.
What is the anticipated disruption to operations of school, services, and groups?
We expect to be able to fully use our current facility while the new building is being constructed. To keep disruption to a minimum, only when the new wing is completed will the current South Wing be razed. As work progresses, we will keep members and school families informed if there are any temporary adjustments to our operations.
How will parking and traffic flow be impacted before, during and after construction?
We will work closely with the design and build teams to define our parking and traffic flow through the project and beyond to be as efficient and safe as possible. Resurfacing of the upper parking lot will help eliminate a significant impact on parking and traffic.
How will safety and security be addressed both during and after construction?
We will work closely with the design and build teams to define our safety and security needs and protocols through the project and beyond to be as safe and mindful as possible.
What staffing will be needed to cover additional classrooms and square footage?
St. Paul is already operating two classrooms at almost all grade levels, CARE (resource room) and extended care in creatively “borrowed” space throughout the building. As we proceed, we will need to further evaluate if there may be additional staffing needs.
* When will promissory notes be available?
Need to complete Voters Meeting and vote. If affirmative, we will move swiftly to prepare and offer the promissory note option. Would like to secure amounts by September so that we know amount we need to request in outside debt financing.
How much should I plan to give or pledge?
St. Paul asks that you consider making a gift, recognizing that our current Church and School has benefited from the generous gifts made by generations past. Your gift or pledge should be based on your ability to give and your belief in the mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Equipping Every Generation to Live Rooted in Jesus. Campaign leaders are happy to answer your questions and personally discuss the size and structure of your gift or pledge. Please reach our campaign leaders at susan.buettner@splgrafton.org or contact the St. Paul Finance Office. Gifts and pledges to the campaign should be over and above your ongoing contributions supporting the Church and School operations.
Are my contributions to the campaign tax deductible?
Yes! Your contributions to the campaign are tax deductible. St. Paul Lutheran Church and School is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. Please speak with your financial advisor or tax professional about any specific questions you may have regarding tax deductibility.
What is the length of the campaign pledge?
The architectural and construction costs for the new two-story building would be primarily incurred during the initial two-year period of the campaign. To minimize the financial impact of any bridge financing that may be necessary for St. Paul, we would ask you to consider selecting as short of a period of time for your pledge commitment as your financial means and budget allow. You have any option to designate the length of your pledge commitment. The following are the options on the pledge card for the length of your pledge: one-time, one year, two years, three years, and five years.
What payment frequencies will be available to make your pledge contributions during the campaign?
The following options will be available to select as the frequency of your pledge contributions: weekly, every two weeks, twice a month (1st and 15th), monthly, quarterly, and annual.
We anticipate the pledge period will begin in the Fall 2023, with pledge contributions beginning December 2023 or early 2024. At the commencement of the campaign, we will ask you to energize the campaign by contributing an initial 10% of your total pledge.
What electronic options are available to make contributions to the campaign?
In addition to cash and personal check, St. Paul has a number of electronic options available to contribute to the campaign with ease and efficiency.
- St. Paul website – a one-time or recurring donation can be established and an account can be created for you to personally manage. Donations are made via a checking or savings account, credit or debit card. If you already have a Vanco account established, you can easily set up additional contributions for Every Generation Faithful Together through the website.
- Text-to-Give – Simply text the dollar amount you wish to contribute, followed by the letters EGFT, to 855.927.0750. For example, text “25 EGFT” to contribute $25. You will be sent a registration link. After registering, you will receive a text verification and an emailed receipt. For future giving, text the amount you wish to give, and text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation.
- Mobile App – please search Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement on your mobile device in the App Store to download the app for free. Additionally, you may elect to cover the processing fees (1.00% for checking or savings accounts, 2.75% for credit or debit cards), so that 100% percent of your contribution is directed to St. Paul.
- Automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account – please contact the St. Paul Finance Office at to complete an authorization form to set up an automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account.
The St. Paul Finance Office is available to assist you in setting up any of the electronic options above. They can be reached at 262-377-4659.
Will contributions from matching gift programs be accepted?
Yes. Many corporations and foundations offer matching gift programs. Such programs allow donors to double or even triple the amount of your contribution. If you are aware of a matching gift program available to you, please consider naming St. Paul Lutheran Church and School as a beneficiary. Matching gift forms are often available from personnel or human resource offices at corporations and foundations.
Will the campaign seek to finance a portion of the costs from promissory notes with members?
Every Generation Faithful Together will not be offering promissory notes with members. The ministry expansion campaign will initially focus on financing through gifts and pledges. At a later time, and only if necessary to achieve the remaining financial goal of the campaign, campaign leadership may request approval from the Voters Assembly to enter into promissory notes with anyone that may be interested.
February 2024 Revised Conceptual Design
Your Generosity, Our Foundation
Your generous gift today will pave the way for a vital expansion at our church and school, fostering enriched learning environments for generations to come. Please prayerfully consider becoming part of this pivotal moment in our history.