7th Weekly Update
Christ Our Builder
Throughout January, look for many opportunities to support our teams and volunteer at tournaments, celebrate St. Paul through Lutheran Schools Week, and participate alongside your son or daughter in Student-Led Conferences (see the sign-up link in the calendar below).
Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences: Thank you to all who have signed up already for a conference time. I so look forward to working together as we hear the perspectives of our students and those who care deeply about them, recognizing areas of growth and setting next steps for further growth as a whole child. If you still need to sign up for a spot, it looks like Thursday is pretty full, but there are some early morning spots available on Friday. Your son or daughter will be thrilled. 🙂 Here’s the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A4BADA728A1FF2-54286970-mrs#/
K - 8 sings in church on Sunday, January 26th, beginning our celebration of National Lutheran Schools’ Week. The song, “My Jesus,” is one of both comfort -- He is “my Jesus,” and commitment to see the needs of others -- “Let me tell you about my Jesus, and let my Jesus change your life.” He truly is the answer. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n6HUP3_fWpxWs7trdeOjU3uGIjUMubHe/view?usp=drive_link
Note from our Panther Parents:
The St Paul Panther Parents are once again hosting a student sticker design contest! The contest will start this week. Designs are due 1/23 & will then be displayed and voted on during Lutheran Schools Week, 1/27-1/31.
Any student in 6th 7th, and 8th grade can participate. Design squares will be handed out to those homeroom classes, students can take a couple of sheets if needed, but only 1 submission will be allowed per 6th-8th Grade student. I've attached the design squares sheet in this email as well. Participation is optional.
If we receive more than 10 entries, the top 10 designs will be voted on by all students during lunch the week of Lutheran Schools Week. The top 2 designs will be announced at the end of that week.
The rules: Design must-
- Be appropriate
- Be promoting/tie in St Paul with either school colors, school name, mascot, etc.
- Be hand drawn, no computer printed designs.
- Colored pencils or markers can be used.
Each winner will receive a certificate with their design on it and 2 of the stickers, and both of the winning designs will be printed and for sale at the school store.
Forms for the sticker contest were sent home last week. Thank you, Panther Parents, for hosting this! 🙂
- 20 Virtual Learning Day
- 23 Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:30 - 7:00
- 24 No school; Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences, 9:00 - 1:00
- 26 National Lutheran Schools Week begins by singing in church. In order to divide the numbers, note the service times below. Please reach out either to Ms. Bremer if you have questions or other considerations.
- 8:00 service: A - K families
- 9:30 service: L - Z families
- 28 Even Odds Fundraiser
- 14 - 15 16-team Basketball Tournament (such a great fundraiser for our school’s athletic department -- we’ll need lots of hands! 🙂
- 21 11:40 dismissal for Winter Break
- 24 no classes for Winter Break
- 28 Trimester 2 ends
- 5 Ash Wednesday
- 7 Interest Day -- 11:40 Dismissal
- 21 Family Day -- 10:45 Dismissal
- 21 Spring Break begins
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We can find a time to meet. Blessings on your week!
Mrs. Yurk
In [Christ] you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:22
Quick Links
- We began work with compound sentences that contain multiple sets of subjects and verbs, and we recognized that conjunctions help carry the meaning, so amazing things are happening in Room 132. Grammar is a TOOL for effective communication. 🙂
- We’ll begin our Historical Fiction stories, a unit that combines both informative (research) and narrative writing.
- Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - - Brick after Brick bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
- Gr. K-8 Class Singing Schedule for the year!
- INFO for ALL Gr. 7 & 8 PARENTS - ALL Grades 7 & 8 Students are in One-Act Plays on Friday, Nov. 1. There will be performances in the FLC for the school (guests are welcome!) at 9am as well as that evening at 6:30pm.
- Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on
- JiVE (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Wed, Sept 11 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 13, meet 7:40am
- JuBellate (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Mon, Sept 16 & first play for worship, Sat. Nov 2, meet 4:30pm
- Gr. 6-8 - Ms. Valerie Bremer & Mr. Jamie Fischer, teachers
- Bands - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher
Social Studies
- Unit Review - due 1/21
- Activities; Definition Test - 1/22; Spelling Test - 1/23