7 Weekly Update
Christ Our Builder
Friday is the end of the second trimester!!! Wow! 🙂
February Chapel Offerings: LERT -- Lutheran Early Response Team
St. Paul’s LERT team is a part of the Lutheran church’s disaster response ministry: https://www.lcms.org/how-we-serve/mercy/disaster-response Not only does our St. Paul team travel to areas that have been devastated by natural disasters , but also to those whose lives have been changed by tragedy. This group of people also recognizes the dedicated, compassionate ministry of others who, even in their daily lives, consider others as greater than themselves. This is an incredible group of people, supporting Jesus’ mission -- to reach those in their deepest needs and meet them.
- 24 no classes for Winter Break
- 28 Trimester 2 ends
- 5 Ash Wednesday
- 7 Interest Day -- 11:40 Dismissal
- 21 Family Day -- 10:45 Dismissal
- 21 Spring Break begins
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We can find a time to meet. Blessings on your week!
Mrs. Yurk
In [Christ] you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:22
Quick Links
- Coordinate adjectives can be used to create effective, purposeful emphasis.We’ll be assessing this unit on Friday. Grammar is a TOOL for effective communication. 🙂
- Models have been studied, developing the middle strategies have been presented and practiced, and research has been completed. Yes, it’s time to start writing our historical narratives.
- Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - - Brick after Brick bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
- Gr. K-8 Class Singing Schedule for the year!
- INFO for ALL Gr. 7 & 8 PARENTS - ALL Grades 7 & 8 Students are in One-Act Plays on Friday, Nov. 1. There will be performances in the FLC for the school (guests are welcome!) at 9am as well as that evening at 6:30pm.
- Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on
- JiVE (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Wed, Sept 11 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 13, meet 7:40am
- JuBellate (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Mon, Sept 16 & first play for worship, Sat. Nov 2, meet 4:30pm
- Gr. 6-8 - Ms. Valerie Bremer & Mr. Jamie Fischer, teachers
- Bands - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher
Social Studies
- Set A - due 2/27
- Set B - due 3/6
- Unit Review - due 3/12 (Wednesday)
- Flashcards and Activities to follow
- Definition Test - 3/19 (Wednesday)
- Spelling Test - 3/20 (Thursday)