Kindergarten – Mrs. Nauta

Calendar of Events

Fast Direct Grades

Hot Lunch Menu

Dec 16 - 20


For December, we will be learning about God's Special Message for Mary, John the Baptist is Born, Jesus the Savior is Born, The Wise Men and God Keeps Jesus Safe From Herod in Jesus Time.  In Math, we will be strengthening our number concepts.   In Reading, we will be focusing on the letter sounds, sounding out words, and rhyming. 

"Stuff the Stocking" Sock Drive: For the month of December, our Lutheran Junior Honor Association students will be hosting a sock collection to be donated to Bob's Under the Bridge. An announcement was made to the school in chapel on Wednesday. The collection will be held from Wednesday December 4th through Wednesday December 18th. They will be collecting new pairs of socks. Our school goal is to collect 850 pairs of brand-new socks! 

Eaton Fresh Pizza Reading Goal for December: 16 Books


Upcoming Important Dates:


14 - PreK - K Christmas Service (9:00am Mrs. Nauta's Class)

18 - Sing at Providence Place

20 - Christmas Party - Gift Exchange -

 ($5 - $10 gift, please label To: Boy or Girl, from: your child's name, gifts may be brought anytime)

23 - Jan 3 - Christmas Break


Week of Dec 16

Saturday - Our Christmas Service - 9:00am - Please bring students to the classroom at 8:45am or a little sooner. You may pick them up in the Family Life Center after the service.

Monday - Library, Bring Back Reading Logs

Tuesday - Music, Computers

Wednesday - Chapel, Gym, Providence Place Field Trip

Thursday - Music, Polar Express Day - Pajama Day (Kindergarten Only), Please have Gift for Exchange by today.

Friday - Chapel (Pre K & K Service), Bring Back Snap Words, Christmas Party - Gift Exchange




School-Wide Notes… Details on Ms Bremer's music page Classes singing in Worship… (keep watch for changes) 
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Sat., Nov. 9, 5pm Gr. 2-3 sing in Worship
  • Sun, Jan 26 - 8am Gr. K-8 students A-K; 9:30 am Gr. K-8 students L-Z
  • Sat., Feb. 15, 5 pm Gr. Kind-1st sing in Worship
  • Sun, April 13 - 8am Gr. K-8 students L-Z; 11am Gr. K-8 students A-K
Children's Choir Notes… * Groups & Schedules  ** Extracurricular Handbook
  • For Gr. 1-2; Kindergarteners can join April 7
  • Start rehearsals Mon, Sept 23 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 20, meet 9am
General Music Class… 
  • Kindergarten & Gr. 1-2 - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher
  • Gr. 3-8 - Ms, Valerie Bremer, teacher