Fourth Grade – Mrs. Steiner

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Fourth Grade Weekly Update (2/25-2/28)

Good afternoon, fourth grade families: 
It was a very special week in class. Chapel week is a really neat way for the kids to share their faith with their peers. Thank you for your support as we have prepared for this, and every week, encouraging your children to live out their faith. It is my number one prayer that our class focus remains on Christ's love for us and our response to that amazing love. 
I hope you enjoy your long weekend! Here are our fourth grade classroom announcements: 
  • I don't know where the time has gone, but the second trimester is coming to a close. Next week is the final week for us. We will have some work time in class to finish up final projects and assignments. Report cards will likely be home in the first week of March. 
Upcoming Dates: 
  • February 24: No School
  • February 28: End of the Second Trimester
  • March 5: Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent (Please see the Echo for worship information) 
  • March 7: Interest Day (11:40am Dismissal) 
  • March 21: Family Day (10:45 Dismissal) 
  • March 24-28: Spring Break
  • April 3: Field Trip to Madison
In class next week: 
  • Religion: We will be reading the stories of Jesus teaching his disciples about earthly needs, Jesus and the Canaanite woman, and the sinful woman in Simon's house.
  • Math: We are beginning our unit on equivalent fractions. We will be using number lines, fraction strips, and equations to find fractions of equal value.
  • Reading: Our genre study will be realistic fiction and our skill focus is comparing and contrasting points of view.
  • Writing: We will be working through a persuasive writing unit in which students will be writing letters to you all! We will talk about writing to incorporate our reader's perspective, and order our ideas strategically for our reader.
  • Social Studies: We are finishing the trimester with a presentation on the Civil War and Reconstruction time periods.
  • Memory: 
    • For Tuesday:  The Fifth Commandment and explanation-  “You shall not murder. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not hurt or harm our neighbor in his body, but help and support him in every physical need.”
    • For Thursday:  1 John 1:7- “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
  • Spelling: Our final test of the trimester! Our focus will be -able and -ible suffixes.
    • valuable
    • lovable
    • favorable
    • understandable
    • excitable
    • sizable
    • comfortable
    • measurable
    • tolerable
    • excusable
    • horrible
    • sensible
    • illegible (bonus word)
    • inevitable (bonus word)
God's blessings to you all on this long weekend. I hope you are all able to enjoy the (slightly) warmer weather and time with loved ones.


School-Wide Notes… Details on Ms Bremer's music page
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - - Brick after Brick
    • bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Gr. K-8 Class Singing Schedule for the year!
  • Spring Concert Thurs, May 8, 2025 Includes ALL 3rd & 4th graders, Children's Choir, PraisePower, JiVE, JuBellate & bands
Classes singing in Worship… (keep watch for changes) 
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Sun., Oct. 27, 9:30am Gr. 4-5 sing in Worship (Reformation)
  • Sat., Nov. 9, 5pm Gr. 2-3 sing in Worship
Choir/JuBellate Notes… * Groups & Schedules  ** Extracurricular Handbook
  1. PraisePower (Gr. 3-4) - Rehearsals start Mon, Sept 16 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 6, meet 10:40am
Eligibility checked every 2 weeks (Gr. 5-8) for students in extracurricular Music Groups  General Music Class… 
  • Gr. 3-4 - Ms Valerie Bremer, teacher