Fifth Grade and Math and Science

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Fifth Grade Weekly Update... Jan 20-24, 2025

5th Grade Families,

This coming week, we will be meeting so that your child can tell you how their second semester is going so far and to set some goals for the third trimester.  Your child has been working hard to prepare for this.  Please sign up for a time using the email Mrs. Gridley sent out last week.  Remember, NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY for students as conferences are scheduled during this time.  Please see the updates below. Blessings on your weekend!  ~Mrs. Zvara



  • Jan 20: First Day of Semester 2 Classes: Quarter 3: Keyboarding (NEED HEADPHONES!)
  • Jan 22: WODF (World of Discovery Fair) Proposal DUE DATE
  • Jan 23: Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:30 - 7pm
  • Jan 24: NO SCHOOL Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences, 12 - 2pm
  • Jan 26:  SING in church: 8am: A-K &   9:30am: L-Z
  • Jan 26-30: National Lutheran Schools Week
  • Jan 28  Even Odds Schools Fundraiser 
  • Jan 31: Enrollment Deadline (for registration fee to go toward 2025-26 tuition)
  • Jan 31: Father Daughter Dance

📅 Right Around the Corner

  • Feb 7: Mother-Son Bowling
  • Feb 14-15: 16-team Basketball Tournament (such a great fundraiser for our school’s athletic department -- we’ll need lots of hands! 
  • Feb 21: Half Day!  11:40 Dismissal
  • Feb 24:  No School 
  • Feb 28: Grades Close - End of 2nd Trimester!
  • Mar 7: Interest Day & Skating Party following
  • Mar 21: Family Day, 11:00 dismissal


🎧Headphones/Earbuds: PARENTS - Can you please check with your child to see if they have headphones or earbuds to use at school?  They will be needed daily for keyboarding & computer activities.  Several students did not have them this week & said that their headphones are broken or missing.  We will need these starting next week. Thank you! 

🧑‍🎓Student-Led Parent-Teacher Conferences:  Time to start reflecting on the successes and challenges of the 1st trimester and thinking about goals for the 2nd trimester. Students will begin preparing for student-led conferences (held in January) this month.Please be sure to sign up for a time slot for our Student-Led Conferences. An email came home from Kathleen Gridley with the signup on Wednesday 1/8.       LINK: Fischer/Zvara -

🍕📚Eaton’s Pizza Reading Challenge: Eatons Pizza is offering a free personal pizza to 5th grade students who read 400 minutes for the month of January Calendars are available in Mrs. Wulfkuhle’s classroom. To earn a pizza, students need to document the number of minutes they read each day. At the end of the month, calendars will need a parent signature. Due date is Tuesday, February 4. 

🎵🎼 SINGING IN CHURCH: (From Ms. Bremer) All K-8 students will sing “My Jesus” by Anne Wilson on Sunday, Jan. 26 for National Lutheran Schools Week. At 8am the A-K families should come and at 9:30 am the L-Z families will worship. (Realizing some families have multiple last names, I encourage them to choose one of these services to attend -or- go to a different service and come just for the beginning of 9:30)

💃🕺Father-Daughter Dance: ATTENTION 5th Grade Girls: Invite your Dad (or grandpa & uncle) to escort you to our Father-Daughter Dance on Jan 31 from 7-8:30pm. Dads, I encourage you to make it a special Dad-Daughter Date Night to talk and connect with your daughter. Maybe make it extra special with a pre-dance dinner with just the two of you or maybe a group of her friends & their dads! Either way, it is sure to be a great opportunity to connect with your pre-teen 🙂   A flier came home on 1/6.  See the ECHO for additional details, tickets will be on sale from Jan 20-24.  

🎳Mother Son Bowling Night:  ATTENTION 5th Grade BOYS:  Invite your Mom (or grandma or aunt) to escort you to our other Son Bowling Night on Feb 7 from 7-8:30pm. Moms, I encourage you to make it a special Mother-Son Date Night to talk and connect with your son - it is sure to be a great opportunity to connect with your pre-teen 🙂   A flier came home on 1/6.  See the ECHO for additional details.  Mother/Son registrations can be turned in until January 29.

🏫Enrollment and Tuition Information for 2025-2026: Hopefully you have noticed and seen that enrollment links for the 25-26 school year were sent out through TADS earlier this week.  Please contact the school office if you do not see an enrollment link email for your child.  (Just a reminder that any new students must first submit an admissions application before they will get an additional email to complete enrollment)  Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

💲Chapel Offering: For the month of January, our school chapel offerings are supporting Family Sharing. In addition to the offering money collected each Wednesday, we are also looking for a few key items to support Family Sharing this season. They are looking for canned chicken, canned pineapple, canned peaches, oatmeal variety packs, and granola bar packs. Donations will be collected in the classroom throughout January.


This week, we will organize our research and begin drafting our Research Reports. We will wrap up our Grammar unit that focuses on complex sentences.



MATH BLOCKS: TUESDAY & THURSDAY     This week Unit 7 will cover strategies for dividing with whole numbers including “Partial Quotients”, “short division” (a.k.a. “Box Method”) and Long Division. No major tests or projects are planned. 


School-Wide Notes… Details on Ms Bremer's music page Classes singing in Worship… (keep watch for changes) 
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Sun., Oct. 27, 9:30am Gr. 4-5 sing in Worship (Reformation)
Choir/JuBellate Notes… * Groups & Schedules  ** Extracurricular Handbook  
  1. JiVE (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Wed, Sept 11 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 13, meet 7:40am
  2. JuBellate (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Mon, Sept 16 & first play for worship, Sat. Nov 2, meet 4:30pm
Eligibility checked every 2 weeks (Gr. 5-8) for students in extracurricular Music Groups  General Music Class… 
  • Gr. 5 - Ms Valerie Bremer, teacher
  • Bands - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher


Please have your inside shoes, pe uniform shirt, and athletic shorts ready to go.  Also, be sure to review grading for Mr. Fischer's pe class which is available on my webpage links. 


We are currently reading our class novel, Becoming Naomi Leon by Pam Munoz Ryan. There may be some nightly reading and stop-and-jots to complete. Please make sure your child has post-its for this purpose.
Please be aware that this novel does have some more mature concepts in it, but we read these sections together as a class, and I lead the conversations around them. My goal is to always push empathy and compassion for others. If you would like to know more, please check out the Common Sense Media page: If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.


5th Religion This week we are learning about The Tabernacle and The Day of Atonement.     Memory Quiz #18 - Due Friday, Jan. 24th Psalm 122:1 ~ I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”


SCIENCE BLOCKS:  MONDAY, WEDNESDAY Unit 4: How Matter Changes: We will learn many ways matter can be changed - including mixtures and solutions and also changes in its state and we will do a deep dive into chemical and physical changes. We will think about what evidence helps scientists understand what kind of change has taken place. We will also continue our short detour and work on learning how to WRITE like a scientist so that we can improve our technical writing in science.  Last week, we learned a writing format called “C.E.R.” which stands for Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning. This week, we will get an opportunity to practice using this framework to write. No major projects or tests are planned.

Social Studies

5th grade will have a Unit 4 Test on Thursday, January 23rd.  They already have their review sheet half filled out.


We will begin unit 8 this week . 
  • Homework: Pg. 82-84 (at least one page in cursive) due Thursday 
  • Quiz: Thursday January 23rd
  • Resources: Unit words can be found on Google Classroom and the sidebar of Mrs. Wulfkuhle’s webpage.

Quarter Class

Each week, we are asking that you sit down together (mom/dad and child) to have a family meeting. Check grades on Fast Direct, look at homework on the webpage, and talk about what you have going on for the week. Parent NEEDS to sign the assignment notebook.  That states that you had your meeting and I give your child 10 points. Thank you for taking this valuable time – 10 minutes can set the tone for the whole week!