Fifth Grade and Math and Science

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Fifth Grade Weekly Update... Feb 24-28, 2025

5th Grade Families,

Happy Friday everyone! It’s going to be a short week, so enjoy your winter break!  The end of the trimester is this week Friday, so be sure to turn in any missing work and/or absent work NOW. Report cards will be sent home next week. Be sure to see the updates below for more details on each of these events.


  • Feb 21: Half Day!  11:40 Dismissal
  • Feb 24:  No School 
  • Feb 28: Grades Close - End of 2nd Trimester!

📅 Right Around the Corner

  • March 1:  FEBRUARY Reading Calendar is DUE for a free Eaton's Pizza!
  • Mar 7:Interest Day, 10:45am dismissal & Skating Party following
  • Mar 14: Pi Day! (3.14)
  • Mar 19: Junk Wars Competition @ Living Word 9-11am 
  • Mar 21: Family Day, 10:45am dismissal, Spring Break to Follow
  • March 24-28: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
  • April 4: “March” Madness Family Fun Event @ 6pm


🌐World of Discovery Fair: Now that projects have been approved, your child may get to work! Each project requires a display, a 300 word written report with sources cited (bibliography), and a logbook that tracks what is accomplished each time the project is worked on. For more specifics, check out the directions here: Project drop off date will be Friday April 4th after school.  

🍕📖Eaton’s Pizza Reading Challenge: Eatons Pizza is offering a free personal pizza to 5th grade students who read 400 minutes for the month of February Calendars are available outside of Mrs. Wulfkuhle’s classroom. To earn a pizza, students need to document the number of minutes they read each day. At the end of the month, calendars will need a parent signature. Due date is Tuesday, March 4. 

Interest Day is NEXT FRIDAY: Students will be participating in THREE of the five classes they chose for interest day on Friday.  Please note that this is a half day which ends at 11:40am.


We will select our own fairy tale story to rewrite from the perspective of the “bad guy” to practice writing from a different POV. The challenge will be in maintaining the same story elements while explaining why they did what they did.  *Please check Fast Direct for any missing/late work – especially if your child has had a recent absence!*



MATH BLOCKS:  WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY This week, we will begin Unit 9, which will review the basics of fractions and will begin to add and subtract fractions both with and without common denominators. No tests or projects are planned.


School-Wide Notes… Details on Ms Bremer's music page Classes singing in Worship… (keep watch for changes) 
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Sun., Oct. 27, 9:30am Gr. 4-5 sing in Worship (Reformation)
Choir/JuBellate Notes… * Groups & Schedules  ** Extracurricular Handbook  
  1. JiVE (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Wed, Sept 11 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 13, meet 7:40am
  2. JuBellate (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Mon, Sept 16 & first play for worship, Sat. Nov 2, meet 4:30pm
Eligibility checked every 2 weeks (Gr. 5-8) for students in extracurricular Music Groups  General Music Class… 
  • Gr. 5 - Ms Valerie Bremer, teacher
  • Bands - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher


Please have your inside shoes, pe uniform shirt, and athletic shorts ready to go.  Also, be sure to review grading for Mr. Fischer's pe class which is available on my webpage links. 


 This week, we will study the question “Should children have limited screen time?” We will practice looking at research and forming our own strong argument using the rubric we created last week.
*Please check Fast Direct for any missing/late work – especially if your child has had a recent absence!*


5th Religion This week in 5th Religion we will be talking about Crossing the Jordan and Rahab and the Spies.  Memory Quiz #22 - Due Friday, Feb. 28 Hebrews 11:31 ~ By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies..


SCIENCE BLOCKS:  TUESDAY & THURSDAY         This week, we will continue our 5th unit on "Systems in Space" .  Last week, we compared & contrasted stars and looked at what makes some stars brighter (or just appear brighter to us on Earth) than others. This week, we will be learning more about stars, but we will focus more on the Sun and how the sun compares to other stars.  We will research how the sun compares to other stars in the Milky Way galaxy and then assessing student learning with another CER essay.  We will continue the week learning about Earth’s movements.   No major tests/projects are planned.

Social Studies

5th grade will be learning about the Civil War this week.  No quizzes or tests.


We will begin unit 10 this week. 
  • Homework: Pg. 102-104 (write out full words, 1 page in cursive) are due Thursday
  • Quiz: Friday 2/28
  • Resources: Unit words can be found on Google Classroom and the sidebar of Mrs. Wulfkuhle’s webpage.
*Please check Fast Direct for any missing/late work – especially if your child has had a recent absence!*

Quarter Class

Each week, we are asking that you sit down together (mom/dad and child) to have a family meeting. Check grades on Fast Direct, look at homework on the webpage, and talk about what you have going on for the week. Parent NEEDS to sign the assignment notebook.  That states that you had your meeting and I give your child 10 points. Thank you for taking this valuable time – 10 minutes can set the tone for the whole week!