Eighth Grade and Math

Calendar of Events

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From the Desk of Mrs. Schumann Feb. 21-28

Dear 8th Grade Parents and students,

Keep the date open.  Grades 6-8 students will sing “Beautiful Savior” on Saturday, March 1 at the 5pm service. They will sing at the anthem spot which is about 15 minutes into the service.  Concert Band will also be playing a hymn with the congregation early in the service.

Final DC Payment: February 25.

8th grade Lenten Dinner: March 19 - This is another way to earn funds for the trip.  Hopefully you will be willing to help out in some way.  Thank you.

Tuition Assistance: If your child will be attending a Lutheran high school in the fall and they are members of St. Paul, they are eligible for tuition assistance from our church.  You must fill out an application in order to be considered to receive tuition assistance.  These forms are available at the school office, or in a previous email I sent.  These must be filled out by February 28.  

Crossing Guard Schedule

  • Feb. 24 Macey / Ben H.
  • Mar. 3  Colton / Makayla
  • Mar. 10 Lucas / Taylor
  • Mar. 17 Bryce / Brystol

Right Around the Corner

  • Feb. 24 No School
  • Feb. 25- Final Payment due at Hemisphere
  • Feb. 28- End of the 2nd trimester
  • March 7- Interest Day
  • March 12- 8th Grade Chapel Service
  • March 19- Lenten Dinner

In His Service,

Mrs. Schumann

Quick Links


  • Patterns of PowerAssessing our work with gerunds will take place this week.  I’m looking at Wednesday or Thursday.
  • Writing:  We finished our Historical Fiction piece -- a lot of work, but as one shared with me, “I realized how much more I needed to learn about this time in history.”  Those are words that fill a teacher’s heart. 🙂  We’ll begin our next mini-unit:  Words Matter.



PreAlgebra: We are still studying functions.  This week we will be comparing functions and looking closer at nonlinear functions.    No tests this week. Algebra: We got a little behind last week.  We will pick up the second half of the lesson on learning how to graph inverse variation equations.  Then move on to the equations of parallel lines and perpendicular lines.  If we stay on schedule, there will be a test on either Thursday or Friday. (Feb. 27 or 28)  


School-Wide Notes… Details on Ms Bremer's music page
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - - Brick after Brick    bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Gr. K-8 Class Singing Schedule for the year!
  •  INFO for ALL Gr. 7 & 8 PARENTS - ALL Grades 7 & 8 Students are in One-Act Plays on Friday, Nov. 1.  There will be performances in the FLC for the school (guests are welcome!) at 9am as well as that evening at 6:30pm.
Classes singing in Worship… (keep watch for changes) 
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on
Choir/JuBellate Notes… * Groups & Schedules  ** Extracurricular Handbook
  1. JiVE (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Wed, Sept 11 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 13, meet 7:40am
  2. JuBellate (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Mon, Sept 16 & first play for worship, Sat. Nov 2, meet 4:30pm
Eligibility checked every 2 weeks (Gr. 5-8) for students in extracurricular Music Groups. General Music Class… 
  • Gr. 6-8 - Ms. Valerie Bremer & Mr. Jamie Fischer, teachers
  • Bands - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher


Please have your inside shoes, pe uniform shirt, and athletic shorts ready to go.  Also, be sure to review grading for Mr. Fischer's pe class which is available on my webpage links. 


We’ll continue reading Counting by 7’s by Holly Goldberg Sloan.  Before we began, we built background knowledge on topics such as the Vietnamese culture, the intense struggle for those who suffer from hoarding, and the realities for those whose IQ classifies them as “highly gifted.”  Yet as our main character stated:  “It’s possible that all labels are curses.  Unless they are on cleaning products.  Because in my opinion, it’s not really a great idea to see people as one thing.  Every person has lots of ingredients to make them into what is always a one-of-a-kind creation.”  That’s one of the reasons why we read this novel.



8th Science This week in 8th science we will be learning about Signals, Communication and Technology.  There are no major assignments or tests this week.

Social Studies

We started Unit 6 with a posterboard project and now we will get into the unit.  No quizzes or tests.


Unit 8
  • Set A - due 2/27
  • Set B - due 3/6
  • Unit Review - due 3/12 (Wednesday)
  • Flashcards and Activities to follow
  • Definition Test - 3/19 (Wednesday)
  • Spelling Test - 3/20 (Thursday)

Quarter Class