Age 4 Pre-K: Five Day

Weekly Update

Jan 6-Jan 10, 2025 “Mittens”

This week in 4K we were busy finishing our Christmas presents for our families. The PM class sang for the residents of The Providence Place on Wednesday and brought so much joy to them! Our AM class sang for school on Friday morning and did a great job! We also finished hearing the Christmas story during our Bible lessons this week.

As we look ahead to the new year, we will have some fun with our mitten theme! We will read the story The Mitten and hear how different animals made their home inside of a lost mitten. We will practice retelling the story and the sequence of the animals as told in our story. Throughout the week we will also hear some other fun mitten themed stories. We will be focusing on the letter Mm and we will practice writing it and saying its sounds. Our Bible lessons will be about the tabernacle and the Day of Atonement.

In January we will begin round two for our star of the week. For the next star of the week I will be asking your child to bring in one of their favorite books that we can read to the class. No other show and tell items will be brought in. This book will be returned by the end of the week once we have read it. Snack will still be brought in each day.

Also starting in January will be the use of a new app called Brightwheel. More information was sent home with your child on Thursday pertaining to this. I plan to utilize this app for reminders and to share some photos of your child with you. If you have questions about the use of the app please let me know.

The week of January 20th will be parent-teacher conferences. Watch for a sign up to come out in early January.

I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas break. May you enjoy time together and rejoice in the birth of our Lord and Savior!

Please put these important dates on your calendar:

Dec 23-Jan 5: No School, Christmas Break

Jan 9: PreK/Kindergarten Information Night

Jan 15: Registration for 2025 begins

Jan 20-23: PreK Parent-Teacher Conferences

Jan 24: No School

Jan 26-31: National Lutheran Schools Week

Stars of the Week:

M-F AM: Emilyn

M-F PM: Lakelyn

Please remember to bring your All About Me bag and a snack to share (snack should be brought each day.) The AM class has 15 students and the PM class has 16 students. **PM class, nut free snacks only**

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.


Mrs. Collins