St. Paul School exists to shape lives for Christian service by providing educational excellence in a Christ-centered environment.
Early childhood
2K Little Learners
Mrs. Schumacher
Age 3 Pre-K
Mrs. Werner
Age 4 Pre-K: Five Day
Mrs. Collins
Age 4 Pre-K: MWF
Ms. Szydel
Grade School
Middle School
Fifth Grade and PE/Health
Mr. Fischer
Fifth Grade and Language Arts
Mrs. Wulfkuhle
Fifth Grade Science & Math
Mrs. Zvara
Sixth Grade and Social Studies
Mr. Wellna
Sixth Grade and Science
Mr. Kell
Seventh Grade and Language Arts
Mrs. Yurk
Eighth Grade and Math
Mrs. Schumann

Religion / Confirmation
Ms. Krueger
Other Classes
Ms. Bremer

Ms. Denow
Center for Academic Resources and Enrichment Director
Mrs. Gieschen
Mrs. Willman