Servant Ministries

St. Paul Lutheran Church has many opportunities for you to get involved. From service groups to music groups to special interest groups, we have something for everyone. If you don’t see a group that you are interested in, let us know and perhaps we can help you get one started.

Click for the Faith in Action Form

Or click here to download a copy. Please complete the form and return to Marty Hauser in the Church Office.

St. Paul has many opportunities for you to serve and we encourage all of our members to use their gifts and talents to help others! Our current volunteer opportunities are:
Media Team (PowerPoint, Live-Stream, Soundboard Operators)


A student in 7th or 8th grade can serve as Acolytes at St. Paul. Those who wish to serve in this capacity will be asked to assist the Pastors and Elders of the church during liturgical services.

Questions? Contact Marty Hauser at 262-377-4659, Ext. 375 or

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild serves quietly and behind the scenes in the important function of preparing the chancel for worship, filling the candles, placing the paraments, cleaning the sacramental vessels and preparing flowers for the altar. We are always looking for new members to help this vital group. If you are interested, please contact the Church Office at 262-377-4659.
Bible Study & Education

Please contact the Church Office for more information: 262-377-4659

Sunday Morning 9:30am in the Family Life Center: Various Topics. See The Bulletin for details.


The St. Paul Board of Evangelism organizes the following events:

  • St. Paul New Member Breakfast
  • St. Paul Annual Church Picnic (September)
  • St. Paul Parade Float/Volunteers for the Annual Grafton Christmas Parade (November)
  • Outreach Seminars/Speakers

If you would like to participate in any of these events, please contact the Church Office at 262-377-4659.


Hands In Service

Hands in Service (HIS) Group is a group that meets monthly to discuss and facilitate projects that will serve others. Any project that serves others is open for discussion. It is our hope to provide opportunities for any and all that want to serve the Lord by serving others. We organize and facilitate projects ranging from one-time to ongoing events, serving those in our congregation, community, country and throughout the world. We enjoy finding opportunities that will allow others to use their gifts in a small way to serve others. It is open to anyone who has a heart to serve.

Christian Outreach: Do you have an outreach idea that you need help developing a plan for or need guidance on? Do you have an idea that you would like to present to the HIS group? We are always looking for new projects that will serve others and share our ministry.

Outreach Opportunities

Interfaith Caregivers

Interested in an outreach opportunity? Contact Polly Morrison at or 262-377-4846.

LERT - Lutheran Early Response Team

Responding to a disaster is a vital part of who we are as members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Responding to a disaster allows a congregation to confess Christ to their community, region and world in ways they may have never before considered.

Members of St. Paul participate in on-going LERT training to be a part of a network of volunteers trained to respond in times of disaster. 

If you have any questions, contact Mark Brueggemann at

St. Paul LERT Webpage

LWML - Lutheran Women's Missionary League

As a member of the LCMS you are a member of the LWML. All ladies are welcome to come to any event that is of interest to you. We do not require dues. We do have free will offerings towards our general fund, the mission family we support and for Mites. There are opportunities for you to help and/or support mission and collections or projects.

Contact Polly Morrison at or 262-377-4846.

Orphan Grain Train Ingathering

A complete list of needs for each of the Layettes, Mercy, and School Kits may be found at the Welcome Center and the Adult Library Cart in the Gathering Hall. You may drop items off in the Reception/School Office during office hours. Questions? Contact Dorothy Monson at 375-1223. To learn more about the Orphan Grain Train, please visit

Lutheran World Relief Kits & Layette List

Media (Audio/Visual) Ministry

This ministry is definitely for the “techie” in you! Below are many ways you can serve from basic to medium to advanced skills. Each one would be given individualized training and opportunity for mentoring from other experienced operators. You can sign up at

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. -1 Peter 4:10

BASIC – training required: 10-15 minutes before a service

1. Run PowerPoints for worship – this is a great one for parents and children to serve as a team!

2. Use the sound & video equipment in the Family Life Center so you can become a resource for Bible Classes, group meetings, etc.

MEDIUM – training required: 30-45 minutes BEFORE signing up the first time

1. Video record/livestream services (joystick controllable cameras with a video switcher)

2. Turn on the sanctuary sound system, learn basics of the soundboard, and wireless system & record audio

3. Use the Mevo camera to be able to Livestream events outside the sanctuary

ADVANCED – training required: several hours of working with experienced operators

1. Use the soundboard to manage sanctuary sound as well as the livestream audio (crucial for all contemporary services, and important to live-streamed traditional services)

Contact Valerie Bremer, Director of Music to learn more!

Music Ministry

“I will sing and make music to the Lord!” Psalm 27:6b

St. Paul is blessed to have a strong & varied music ministry which uplifts worship in our traditional (organ led) and contemporary (worship team led) services. Gathering together in worship as well as using our gifts to serve are core values at St. Paul, so there are many varied opportunities for musicians. Whether singing individually, playing an instrument in a small group, or being part of a larger group, there is a musical home for you in worship. Students from our Christian Day School also practice their musical skills in worship throughout the school year.

Please talk to Valerie Bremer, Director of Music to learn more!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The St. Paul Prayer Shawl Ministry is an outreach program consisting of women who knit and crochet shawls, chemo hats and baby hats as they pray for the people who will receive them. The items are delivered to hospitals and some are given by way of personal visits. This group also crafts baptismal blankets as they pray for the unborn children. Both the giver and the receiver are reminded of the unconditional love and embrace of our Heavenly Father.

The Prayer Shawl  group meets the 3rd Monday of month at 1pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School.

New Members and Guests are always welcome! We supply the yarn and patterns if needed. We will even teach you to knit or crochet!

This group is open to doing other craft projects especially if intended for the needy.

If you would like to support this ministry, donations of yarn are greatly appreciated. These donations can be dropped off at the School Office.

Please contact Marilyn Goeman at 262-377-1691.


The St. Paul Quilters make quilts from donated fabric for Lutheran World Relief. We quilt September – April. New volunteers are always welcome. Our annual goal is 500 quilts and we are well on our way!

Over the years St. Paul quilters have been able to supply over 100 quilts each year to Lutheran World Relief. In addition to the quilts they donate they always sell quilts at the St. Paul Women’s Guild Fall Festival and at the St. Paul Auction. The proceeds from these quilts help to cover the costs of quilting supplies such as batting and thread.

You can help support the quilters efforts by joining them, supplying fabric or financially.

Join the Quilters
To join quilters, contact Maribeth Witkowski at 262-339-4796.


Our Ushering staff offers additional service to our congregation in making people feel comfortable and welcome in our services.

Join the Ushers!
If interested in Ushering, contact Marty Hauser at 262-377-4659, Ext. 375 or

Women's Guild

We meet the first Thursday of every month at 12pm during the school year.

Come join us! Interested in learning more? Contact Eva Groppe at 262-377-4321 for more information.

Youth Ministry

St. Paul Youth Ministry exists to Grow youth in their faith walk, build Relationships with other believers, Adore our Savior through worship, and Connect the lost to Jesus by Experiencing His love through ministry opportunities.

Click here: Children’s & Youth Ministry

Click here: IMPACT High School Youth