Cemetery Information

St. Paul Cemetery
The St. Paul Cemetery is located several blocks west of the church off Washington Street. In 1875, the congregation voted to establish a cemetery for its members. The original 2-1/2 acres purchased at a cost of $375 from Johann Zieroth is located on the northeast corner of the cemetery. Dedication of the cemetery took place on October 24, 1876. The six men who were the original organizers of the cemetery were Hermann Ahlers, Karl Mintzlaff, Friedrich Kohlwey, Gottlieb Buch, Friedrich Behrens and H. Wiepking. Over time, additional land was acquired and currently the congregation owns 9.8 acres of land located adjacent to Hwy 60 two blocks to the west of the current church.
Burial in the cemetery is open to current members and people who have had a significant connection to St. Paul including being baptized at St. Paul, confirmed at St. Paul, graduated from the school or were married at St. Paul. Burial is also permitted in a currently owned family plot or if you are a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
To purchase a burial space or niche in the columbarium, contact Jean Steinke at 262-377-4659 Ext. 339.