First Grade – Mrs. Pingel

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Week of January 6th


What is 1st Grade Learning? 


We will read from the book of Luke about the birth of Jesus and Simeon and Anna meeting Jesus.  We will discuss how God gives us joy through Jesus our Savior and how we should joyfully tell others about Him.      

Memory:  The Second Article of the Apostles' Creed (Redemption)(continued)  

The third day He rose again from the dead.  He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.


The students will read a variety of poems and practice rhyme, rhythm, repetition and alliteration.  

Phonics: CVCe (long vowel e) and open syllables

Reading Fluency Skill: Practice reading using punctuation marks (periods, exclamation marks, question marks, commas) 

Spelling: - Unit 3.3 be, he, me, see, she, three, tree, we, *live, *work


This week we will write How to Dig Snow?  We will write about different things to do in the snow and add details to our sentences.  

Grammar:  Lesson 18- How Nouns and Verbs Work Together


Unit 6:  Shapes and Solids - Students will put together solids to create a composite shape, practice adding and subtracting with 10 and take the Unit 6 test.  


Unit 5   Lesson 1:  Where do Plants and Animals Live? The Arctic  

Social Studies

Unit 2:  The students will define community, describe what people in a community do and explain why people in a community work together.  

Please Note...


Merry Christmas -  Christmas blessings to you and your families.  

Advent Service -  Here is a link for our Grades 1-2 Advent Service.

Fall/Winter Wear      It is starting to get cooler.  Please begin to look for hats, gloves and warmer coats to send to school with your child.

Eaton's Pizza Reading Incentive Program-  An Eaton's pizza calendar was sent home. (The same reading stars can be used for the Eaton's pizza incentive.  When you mark a star on the reading sheet, you can mark a star on the Eaton's calendar).  

Reading Road Race Rally -   The reading log that was sent home will be used for our Reading Road Race Rally.  We will participate in this with Mrs. Boyce's class.  Please have your child read at least 20 minutes, 4 times a week.  A star should be colored in for each reading session.  


December Chapel Offerings -  Bob's Under the Bridge  "Stuff the Stocking" Sock Drive: For the month of December, our Lutheran Junior Honor Association students will be hosting a sock collection to be donated to Bob's Under the Bridge. An announcement was made to the school in chapel on Wednesday. The collection will be held from Wednesday December 4th through Wednesday December 18th. They will be collecting new pairs of socks. Our school goal is to collect 850 pairs of brand-new socks! 

Snack and waterbottles-    Please send a healthy snack with your child each day.  I will have extra snacks available in case it is forgotten on a busy morning.  Waterbottles can be used throughout the day and can be refilled at the drinking fountain.


23-Jan 3 Christmas Vacation – NO SCHOOL
6 Mon Classes Resume
8-17 We-Fr MAP Testing
17 Fri End 2nd Quarter
18 Sat Children's Choir sings at 5:00
23-24 Th-Fr K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences

26 Sun.  8:00 am (K-8) Last name A-K Sing with JIVE  9:30 am (K-8) Last name L-Z Sing

26-31 National Lutheran Schools Week


School-Wide Notes… Details on Ms Bremer's music page Classes singing in Worship… (keep watch for changes) 
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Sat., Nov. 9, 5pm Gr. 2-3 sing in Worship
  • Sun, Jan 26 - 8am Gr. K-8 students A-K; 9:30 am Gr. K-8 students L-Z
  • Sat., Feb. 15, 5 pm Gr. Kind-1st sing in Worship
  • Sun, April 13 - 8am Gr. K-8 students L-Z; 11am Gr. K-8 students A-K
Children's Choir Notes… * Groups & Schedules  ** Extracurricular Handbook
  • For Gr. 1-2; Kindergarteners can join April 7
  • Start rehearsals Mon, Sept 23 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 20, meet 9am
General Music Class… 
  • Kindergarten & Gr. 1-2 - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher
  • Gr. 3-8 - Ms, Valerie Bremer, teacher