week of Dec. 16- HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!
Our goal for the next week is to take time to enjoy all of the fun things that 2 year-olds love about Christmas and connect them to simple reminders of Jesus' love and magnificent birth. We'll wrap up our special projects for our families. Students will make a couple small projects they can keep or share to tell of Jesus being the best gift at Christmas. 2K has been having fun with our Christmas cookie store, Christmas themed games and fine motor skills activities. Baby Jesus has been entering play with our soft nativity set. We've heard "shhhh" Baby Jesus is sleeping, and had to re capture a kiddo having Mary kiss baby Jesus. your little ones are so precious. We love sharing the excitement of Christmas with them.
Our words of the week for last week and this are: prepare and nativity- we'll also learn other names for Jesus such as "Savior" and "Lord"
Jesus time: We will continue adding felt candles to our advent wreath and singing a song we've been practicing to share with you. Both the children's Bible and picture books will be read to help remind us of the true reason for the season. Some books we will just take a picture walk through, and the children can take turns telling what they see and know about the Christmas story. 🙂
- Much like how I made a slide show of students in their fun costumes, we like to do a Christmas one as well. Please email me a picture of your child holding/by their favorite Christmas decoration at your house. We still need just a few more so all can be included: -)) Thank you! The children light up and are just so proud when their picture comes up. Photo shows give us great listening and speaking practice as well.
- Stuff the Stocking" Sock Drive: For the month of December, our Lutheran Junior Honor Association students will be hosting a sock collection to be donated to Bob's Under the Bridge. The collection will be held from Wednesday December 4th through Wednesday December 18th. They will be collecting new pairs of socks. Our school goal is to collect 850 pairs of brand-new socks!
Important upcoming dates:
Star and snack this week:
M,W, : Charleigh- Just for Wednesday
T, Th- none- leftover snack
Monday 12-16- M, W Christmas party- date change so that Mrs. Grunwaldt can be with us. 🙂 Please bring a wrapped new or gently used book to exchange with a classmate. Thank you to anyone who signed up to bring an item for our special party snack via the sign up.
Thursday, 12-19- T,TH class Christmas party- Please bring a wrapped new or gently used book to exchange with a classmate. Thank you to anyone who signed up to bring an item for our special party snack via the sign up.
*Dec. 23- Jan. 5 -No school, Christmas break- Have a blessed, healthy and peaceful Christmas and start to 2025.
St. Paul will be hosting a Preschool/Kindergarten Information Night on Thursday January 9th. at 6:00 p.m. We would like you to come to meet our Early Childhood team, especially Mrs. Werner our 3K teacher, and learn about the outstanding program that we have! Along with the presentation, we will answer any questions that you may have regarding curriculum or classes. Please pass this information on to neighbors and friends and have them attend the meeting with you! Watch for more information! Childcare will be available down in our extended Care area. Thank you kindly for sharing your experience with neighbors and friends. That's the main reason we are blessed with growth and even some new inquires already for 2K for next school year. We are so grateful. 🙂
Registration for the '25-'26 school year begins Jan. 15
Jan. 26-31- National Lutheran schools' week. -We'll get in on some of the fun school-wide dress up days.