Sixth Grade and Social Studies

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Weekly Update - December 23rd-January 11th

Secret Angel Gift Exchange was a great success!  The kids seemed happy so thank you for participating.  It seems like everyone had fun bowling yesterday.

World of Discovery Fair! (Academic Fair) Information coming home Friday!  Look for that please!  They need to come up with a topic for this Academic Fair by January 22nd.

Have a very merry Christmas!  Thank you for all the gifts.  They are not necessary, but much appreciated!

Right Around the Corner

  • December 20: Last Day of Classes before Break
  • January 6: Classes Resume
  • January 12: MAP Testing Week
  • January 17: End of 2nd Quarter (Start new class after this)
  • January 22: World of Discovery Project Selection Sheets DUE
  • January 23-24: Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • January 24: NO SCHOOL
  • May 1: Community Service Hours DUE


We will be moving back into Argumentative writing – our goal is to create an essay outline. Nothing major will be due this week.


Math A

 This week we will cover: we will start Module 4 about negative and positive numbers and absolute values.

Math B


Please have your inside shoes, pe uniform shirt, and athletic shorts ready to go.  Also, be sure to review grading for Mr. Fischer's pe class which is available on my webpage links. 


When we return from break, we will spend some time watching a documentary that follows real life Lost Boys as they were selected to leave their refugee camp in Kenya to move to the US and live in Pittsburgh, PA. This will give us a better understanding of what that transition looks like for someone moving across the world and having to adapt to a completely new way of life. We can use this to compare with what we have read about Salva in A Long Walk to Water. Starting Wednesday, we will begin our unit final project. There will be in-class work time, and the project will be due Monday January 13th.


This week we are looking at the Bible stories of the death of John the Baptist and the woman in Simon's house. Memory is Romans 13:9-10 (ESV wording) and is due Wednesday. Sermon note #3 is due January 20. 


6th Science This week in 6th science we will be starting Topic 5, Earth’s Surface Systems and going over Weathering and Soil.  No major tests or assignments due this week.

Social Studies

6th grade will have a map quiz on either Thursday or Friday on Northern African countries.


We will wrap up Unit 4A this week. 
  • Homework: Google Classroom worksheet due Thursday
  • Test: Friday 
  • Resources: Unit words can be found on the Vocab Google Classroom

Quarter Class

Computers October 21-25:  We are in our final week together.  This week we'll get into our final chapter of Excel - learning how to create charts and graphs from the data collected.  No quiz this week.  Need extra credit?  Tell me if you are happy or sad about no quiz through an email by Sunday 10 pm.  


School-Wide Notes… Details on Ms Bremer's music page
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - - Brick after Brick    bring chairs & blankets to sit on!
  • Gr. K-8 Class Singing Schedule for the year!
  •  INFO for ALL Gr. 7 & 8 PARENTS - ALL Grades 7 & 8 Students are in One-Act Plays on Friday, Nov. 1.  There will be performances in the FLC for the school (guests are welcome!) at 9am as well as that evening at 6:30pm.
Classes singing in Worship… (keep watch for changes) 
  • Sun, Sept. 8 - Gr. K-8 - 11am Outdoor Worship - bring chairs & blankets to sit on
Choir/JuBellate Notes… * Groups & Schedules  ** Extracurricular Handbook
  1. JiVE (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Wed, Sept 11 & first sing for worship, Sun. Oct. 13, meet 7:40am
  2. JuBellate (Gr. 5-8) - Rehearsals start Mon, Sept 16 & first play for worship, Sat. Nov 2, meet 4:30pm
Eligibility checked every 2 weeks (Gr. 5-8) for students in extracurricular Music Groups. General Music Class… 
  • Gr. 6-8 - Ms. Valerie Bremer & Mr. Jamie Fischer, teachers
  • Bands - Mrs. Heide Young, teacher