Age 4 Pre-K: Five Day

Weekly Update

May 20-May 24, 2024 “Pre-K Wrap Up”

I can’t believe this is our last weekly update of the school year! It truly has flown by! It has been so much fun watching your child learn and grow this year. I think back to the start of the school year and how much I’ve learned about each of them since then. I’ve gotten to see their personalities shine, hear many stories, receive and give so many hugs, and be a part of their lives for one entire school year. They each have been such a blessing to me and I will miss our classroom family as they head into summer. Thank you for your partnership as their parents, and the support I also received from each of you.

This week we talked all about farms, the animals that live on farms, and the importance of farms and all that they produce. We got to make ice cream and butter and taste them which the students really enjoyed! We talked about our last letter of the alphabet, Ii, and practiced the sounds it makes as well as worked on writing it. Our Bible lessons were about Dorcas being healed and how God knows us each by name.

During our final week together we will get to go on our field trip to Roden’s Barnyard Adventure. Our field trip will happen rain or shine, and as of right now it’s looking more like rain. Please watch the weather and dress your child accordingly. I strongly encourage that they wear boots and a waterproof jacket.

We will play some fun, end of the year, games to wrap up all that we have learned this year. On Thursday we will have our ice cream party to celebrate summer birthdays. On Friday we will have our closing ceremony. Families should plan to attend this as it’s held in chapel and is a special time for your child to celebrate all that they’ve learned this year. The AM class will have their ceremony at 8:30 and can be dropped off in our classroom at 8:15. Our PM class will have their ceremony at 10:00 and can be brought to our classroom at 9:45. Families can plan to sit in church and the students will be brought in. They have some songs to sing and you’ll get an opportunity to take their picture. Once the ceremonies are over you will be able to pick up your child’s binder which includes some of their work from this year along with their final progress report. If your child needs to attend daycare on this day, please make any necessary arraignments with Mrs. Kim.

I pray that you and your family have a wonderful summer! I know I will see many of you again in the fall and I look forward to it. Don’t forget that church is still open this summer, we’d love to see you!

Please put these important dates on your calendar:

May 20 – PM Class Field Trip to Roden’s Barnyard Adventure

May 21 – AM Class Field Trip to Roden’s Barnyard Adventure

May 23 - Ice Cream Party to celebrate summer birthdays

May 24 – PreK closing service 8:30 AM class and 10:00 PM class

Stars of the week:

M-F AM: Charlotte

M-F PM: Kinsley

Please remember a snack to share and show and tell (this can be brought each day.) The AM class has 14 students and the PM class has 10 students. Snack is not needed on May 20th for the PM class or May 21st for the AM class. Also, no snack is needed on May 23rd or 24th for either class.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.


Mrs. Collins